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The Creation of Art

Art was created by the dead - the vagabond spirits that yearned for images of life again amongst an endless and colorless parade of memories. And so they painted their desires and lost sensations on the stagnant breath of every birth of emotion they once felt, transforming the barren canvas of oblivion into a most exquisite interpretation of life...

Only the most sensitive of souls could see the signature of these spirits at the bottom of the bright blue sky in the mist of morning dew and the blood dripping from the arrow of artemis and growing landscapes of lovers in rapture. That was born a few eternities ago and even today, the artist can see the dead- but he is not aware of this. He only knows  how the beauty and confusion of life feels between his fingers as the residue of forgotten spirits spill on the images that he creates.

To be in love with an artist is to know the secrets of the spirits and to see beyond the boundaries of life and death... and all its desires.

- Ty, 1998

Holow Spaces (1)
30"x30" oil