
Note from the editor

StarVox is no longer be accepting materials for review. As you have probably noticed, I'm having a harder time meeting deadlines this year and contributions from writers have decreased greatly. Over the years writers have become burnt out and I don't fault them at all - especially since this was a voluntary non-paying magazine. Infact, I'm grateful to have so many talented writers stay with me for as long as they did. I have a handful of new-ish writers who have been eager to do reviews and have turned in some great ones -- and to them I am sorry to cut this short just as they were getting started.

Furthermore, Uncle Nemesis has stopped contributing to StarVox in order to pursue his own online review magazine so that's the nail in the coffin. I could not hope to replace him - in either quality or quantity. I have not been able to keep up with my own concert reviews and that has weighed heavily on me because I know some bands expected them and were disappointed.

My plan is to stop taking CDs for review at this point. Please DO NOT SEND ANYMORE. 

I plan to leave StarVox with all of its content, online, indefinitely. As I plan to focus more on my own photography, I might continue to update the gallery - it was by far our most popular section anyway.

*Please* do check out Uncle Nemesis's new venture here: http://www.nemesis.to/go.htm
I'm sure it'll be entertaining and it looks like he's hooked into everything including MySpace and LiveJournal. Also remember you can check Mick Mercer's site (http://www.mickmercer.com) for informative pdf's of The Mick every month.

I am absolutely grateful for all the support we've had over these 6+ years. There has been so many outstanding people who have contributed. It was a product of the scene by people who really cared about the music. It also allowed our staff to meet and interact with some of the greatest musicians around. I know we felt very lucky to have the opportunity. And who knows, I'm not against bringing it back some day if time and resources allow. Until then, it's been a great run...


StarVox is Property of VersusMedia,  LLC